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Closed in in a sentence

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Sentence count:111+4Posted:2018-03-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: closedclose downencloseduncloseddisclosedclose doorclosed loopclosed bookMeaning: adj. blocked against entry. 
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31. A brick and tile works in the village closed in 1974, and a blacksmith's shop was pulled down in 1953.
32. Shops closed in mourning and even the post office pulled down its shutters.
33. The 550-acre naval station at Treasure Island is one of 29 California military bases closed in 1993 by Congress.
34. The club closed in the late Sixties and was later demolished to make way for the shopping centre Eldon Gardens.
35. A large number of rebels escaped to the east as the army closed in on Jaffra.
36. By the time it was eventually closed in 1988, new investors had brought the total to £116 million.
37. The cliffs closed in as the river swept round a bend, its waves slapping against vertical rocks.
38. In Dublin, for example, two teaching hospitals were closed in 1987.
39. So we struggled for another three weeks, until the schools closed in late December for almost two months of winter vacation.
40. When the neighbouring Skerne Ironworks closed in 1879, Wilson's decided to expand into the empty bridge girder manufacturing market.
41. Closed in on herself, Jezrael felt only apathy during the flight to Spiderglass guard-school, hidden out in the asteroid belt.
42. Their dreadlocks flew like skipping ropes, their bodies gleamed, their eyes were closed in divine ecstasy.
43. Gabriel hurried up to try to hear what was said, but the door closed in her face.
44. They even lost two weeks of wages because the paychecks bounced without warning when the mill suddenly closed in March 1980.
45. We listened some more,[] and as the darkness closed in Stuart sat on my lap and snuggled closer.
46. The good Duke was foolish enough to make enquiries about certain precious relics and the King's agents closed in.
47. That deal, which closed in February, combined the two companies into the leading independent maker of computer storage products.
48. The heavy mist rarely lifted but closed in like a cold, clinging cloud around us.
49. Without him, Tiger itself went into decline and closed in the early 1980s.
50. And then Georg had closed in on her, a grumpier, more disapproving, hectoring Georg.
50. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
51. Henceforth the Painswick cloth mills gradually closed in the face of competition.
52. After a mile or so the banks closed in and the gradient increased ... Inspection followed.
53. The Primitive Methodist chapel built in 1871 and closed in 1915 is now used as a house.
54. When the market closed in 1974, the piazza narrowly survived being turned into an office development.
55. The Great Casterton School closed in 1958 as its chief participants had developed other commitments.
56. Smitty went first, forcing his way through the branches that closed in on the trail.
57. The old village school, which closed in 1968, is now a private house and schoolchildren go by bus to Howden.
58. He stepped on to the elevator, and the doors closed in front of him before Wyatt remembered to get on with him.
59. The Boots Booklovers Library, the nearest equivalent, survived until the sixties; the branch in Exeter closed in 1965.
60. As the Dwarfs marched forwards Orcs and Goblins closed in from their hiding places in the slopes to left and right.
More similar words: closedclose downencloseduncloseddisclosedclose doorclosed loopclosed bookclosed shopclosed pathundisclosedclosed-mindedclosed systemclosed circuitclosed primaryclosed-end fundclosed fractureclosed loop systemclosed-loop systembehind closed doorsclosecloserclosetincloseencloseclose outrecloseclose offclose byclose in
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